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Fixed in 2.4.0



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[XR][Post Processing] Image is blurred when using the Post Process Layer in VR

Package: PostProcessing


How to reproduce:
1. Open the "case1173697_ReproProject" Project
2. Open the "SampleScene" Scene
3. Enter the Play Mode
4. Observe the cube

Expected result: Cube is not blurry
Actual result: Cube is blurry (Screenshot attached)

Reproducible with: 2019.1.14f1, 2019.2.1f1, 2019.3.0a11
Not Reproducible with: 2018.4.6f1

On 2019.1.0a11 and later the issue is reproducible with Post Processing package version versions:
2.1.0 - 2.1.7
Not reproducible with 2.0.17 - preview and earlier

Could not test on 2019.1 versions earlier than 2019.1.0a11 due to compiler errors

Note: Disabling HDR and MSAA on the main camera resolves this issue but ruins the rendering on the right eye

Comments (4)

  1. sewy

    Apr 30, 2020 12:16

    To collaborate on this - I blame the issue with anothe bug -> GetTemporaryRT docs says -1 will match the “camera pixel w/h”, which returns the w/h of a single eye (width is half the actual size) => this leads to the same problem when using custom PostProcessing (using XRSettings.eyeTextureDesc.width/height instead of "-1" fixes the blurriness issue).

    Back to my previous answer with fix => XRSettings.eyeTextureDesc is returning width for both eyes, but the postFX code thinks differently.

  2. eron82

    Apr 25, 2020 19:01

    No fix yet?

  3. sewy

    Sep 30, 2019 12:21

    I have found temporal fix in

    managed to fix the blurriness after setting "Directly To Camera Target" to Off by commenting out the
    xrDesc.width /= 2; line in PostProcessing\Runtime\PostProcessRenderContext.cs (line 49)

    Could anyone from Unity please say, what it can break?

  4. V-Rangers-Support

    Sep 26, 2019 07:54

    I got the same issue since unity 2019.
    And one more issue is the post process is not compatible with the single pass

    I also do an issue on their github :

    The only solution I found, it is to use the LWRP or HDRP.
    But in my project, it is not a good solution so in my team we don't use the post process stack v2

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