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[XR] Occlusion occludes objects even when it doesn't need to in VR



Steps to reproduce:
1. Download and open the attached project
2. Enter Play Mode
3. Select Player (origin)(Clone)
4. On the Negate tracking component, right click and run the 'Teleport Cam'
5. Look at the wall next to the window

Expected result: wall is visible
Actual result: wall is culled

Reproduced on 2017.4.2f2, 2018.1.2f, 2018.2.0b6
Was unable to test for regression due to project scale

-might not perceive result directly after moving the object - moving the object around the x=24 coordinate will reveal it
-the same behavior continues to happen so long as the player gamebject's location (in this case) stays at x=24

  1. Resolution Note:

    Hi, I was not able to confirm the problem due to many factors (old bug and giant project). If you still have this issue, please reopen and attach a small minimalist repro project up to date.

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