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[Visual Scripting] Unable to reset "Type Options" properties on clicking "Reset to Defaults

Package: Visual Scripting


On clicking "Reset to Defaults" button unable to reset "Type Options" properties

Steps to repro:
1. Create a new Project
2. Edit > Project Settings > Click
3 Project Settings Window> Visual Scripting >"Type Options">Click on title
4.Change any properties > Click on "Reset to Defaults"

Actual Result:
Unable to reset "Type Options" properties

Expected Result:
Default values should be assigned on reset

Reproducible on: 2021.1.0b2, 2021.1.0b1

Note: Visual Scripting has been introduced in 2021.1.0b1

Environment: Windows 10, Mac 10.16, and Linux

  1. Resolution Note:

    The "Restore to Defaults" setting in Visual Scripting Project Settings will now work correctly

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