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[Visual Scripting] The Properties under the Visual Scripting are overlapping when the Preferences window is resized

Package: Visual Scripting


Graph Sidebar Threshold' Input field property is overlapping on label and properties are going out of pannel while decreasing the size of the Preferences window.

Steps to repro:
1. Create a New Project.
2. Unity > Preferences > Visual Scripting.
3. Resize the Preferences Window

Actual Result:
Properties are overlapped and clipped.

Expected Result:
Properties should not overlap and clip while resizing the Preferences window

Reproducible in:
2021.1.0b1 with 1.5.1 - pre 3

Windows 10 and Mac 10.15

Note: Visual Scripting has been introduced in 2021.1.0b1

  1. Resolution Note:

    Considering the window can be expanded to more usable size, this it out of scope.

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