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[Visual Scripting] Graph Editor window doesn't open on double-clicking on the Graph Asset from the Project window

Package: Visual Scripting


The Graph Editor window doesn't open on double-clicking on the Graph Asset from the Project window. It breaks the consistency from the default unity behavior for a similar type of assets. Example: Timeline, Audio Mixer, etc. Similarly, if the window is docked and hidden, it doesn't get focused.

Steps to repro:
1. Create a new Project
2. Project window > Create > Visual Scripting > 'State' or 'Script' Graph
3. Double Click on the newly created graph asset


1. Create a new Project
2. Project window > Create > Visual Scripting > 'State' or 'Script' Graph
3. Edit Graph
4. Dock the window next to scene view in 2 by 3 layout
5. Double click on the graph asset

Actual Result:
Graph editor window doesn't open and is focused.

Expected Result:
Graph editor window should open and focused on double-clicking the asset graph.

Reproducible on: 2021.1.0b2, 2021.1.0b1

Note: Visual Scripting has been introduced in 2021.1.0b1

Environment: Windows 10, Mac 11

  1. Resolution Note:

    Will be addressed in future release

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