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[VFX] The error "Expression graph was marked as dirty after compiling context for UI" is thrown after editing "Sample Water Surface" node



*Steps to reproduce:*

1. Create a project with HDRP Template

2. In the Package Manager, download the Water Samples

3.  Open the *Underwater * scene

4. Navigate to "Assets/Samples/High Definition RP/17.0.3/Water Samples/VFX/VFX Graphs/VFX_BubblesStream.vfx"

5. Open the Graph by double-clicking

6. Edit any input field on the *Sample Water Surface* node

7. Observe the Console Window

*Actual results:* "Expression graph was marked as dirty after compiling context for UI. Discard to avoid infinite compilation loop" is thrown in the Console Window

*Expected results:* No errors or warnings are thrown

*Reproducible with versions:* 6000.0.22f1, 6000.0.23f1

*Tested on (OS):* macOS, Windows 11

*Notes:* The errors are clearable

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