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Under Consideration for 2021.3.X, 2022.3.X, 6000.0.X



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[VCS] Local package files and Project Settings are automatically marked for add after VCS is reconnected/refreshed



How to reproduce:
1. Create a new project in your prefered workspace and open it
2. Connect it to Perforce
3. Add a local package (Drag a separate package to the "packages" folder)
4. Observe that its files are all automatically marked as add (This is expected since this is a local package)
5. Revert some of the files and refresh the VCS Window (Thre reverted files should be marked as "local" instead of marked for add)
6. Observe their status again

Expected result: the status remains "local" (the red dot icon)
Actual result: the status reverts back to "added local" (the plus sign)

Reproducible in: 2020.1.0a1, 2019.3.0b1
Not reproducible in: 2019.2.3f1, 2018.4.7f1

Note: This also means that the local package files or project settings cannot be reverted in the VCS Window, they will be re-added upon reconnect/refresh

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