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[UX] GameObject has empty layer if the layer it had previously was erased

Scene Management


To reproduce:
1. Open any project
2. Create a new layer
3. Assign the layer to any game object
4. Go to Tags & Layers and erase the newly created layer
5. Select your game object and look at the layer

Expected result: layer mask gets back to Default (or any other default value)
Actual result: layer name is empty, no layer is marked as active in the layer dropdown

Reproduced on: 2019.4.12f1, 2020.1.9f1, 2020.2.0b7

  1. Resolution Note:

    Current behaviour doesn't break project in cases where layer gets removed by accident or unintentionally (either locally, or when pulling layer removal from vcs) - if layer is removed adding it back to layer list is all that's needed. With proposed behaviour it would require reassigning layer back to all objects that previously had it.

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