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[UX] Creating standard shaders from texture most of the time requires external tools due to texture packing



While in the video I showcased HDRP shader, this is still true for URP or standard shaders. It is also always been this way, but I think users would greatly appreciate if we would have a tool inside Unity to take whatever textures(roughness, smoothness etc) they have and create a packed version for them without having to leave the editor. Having in mind that now we can even: model (probuilder), texture/sculpt/paint (polybrush) inside Unity, why not also allow to pack textures without the need of photoshop?

I think by not having this feature, we prevent some of new users to switch to Unity from other engines or offline rendering. It requires too much effort to just try Unity rendering. Also our current users are probably packing the textures same way every day for each new purchased asset outside asset store.

Expected result: To be able to do everything in the video, without Photoshop.

Additional notes:
Currently the workaround is to use shadergraph to create a shader that would invert roughness and put textures into correct channels. Maybe a possible solution would be also in shadergraph, add a function for user to "bake" that shadergraph into a HDRP/URP shader.

Source of textures in the video as example:

  1. Resolution Note:

    won't fix

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