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Under Consideration for 2023.3.X



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[URP TEMPLATE] Some effects (fog, decals, water) are sampling the wrong depth texture resulting in artifacts when teleporting in the Oasis scene using the PC_Low quality



This is in the URP Sample project in the Oasis scene (available in the Unity Hub). This is mostly visible for the fog custom pass. It happens when the player is around the Teleporter and the Terminal scene is still active. The depth comes from the Screen Camera in the Terminal scene while we should use the one from the Main Camera in the Oasis.
It's only happening when using deferred rendering (PC_Low quality) and when Rendergraph is enabled.

Depending on the player position, the fog can either be too strong, or almost invisible since it's linked to the depth of the other room :

*Steps to reproduce:*

1. Open the URP Sample, either creating a project from the Hub, or using this repo : Use the release/2023 branch

2. Use the PC_Low quality asset

3. Open the Terminal scene

4. Enter Play Mode, move in the Oasis room, and use the teleporter

5. Once you are in the Oasis scene, notice a change when you move away from the teleporter, when the Terminal Room is disabled. You can also disable the ScreenCamera to notice how it's affecting the fog

For more information, see this video :
In the video, it is using the 203.3.0b8 because this is the state of the project on the release/2023 branch, but it was also tested on 6000.0.5.f1 and the issue is also visible

*Actual results:* 
The fog is not working correctly, either too strong or not visible, or on half of the screen since it relies on the wrong depth texture. It's visible in Renderdoc, the fog, the water, the decals are using the depth texture from the Terminal Camera (another loaded scene). Just after teleporting into the Oasis scene, you can see that this custom fog is not visible, then is pops in when the player moves forwards. Sometimes, a really dense fog is applied on parts of the screen, when moving away from the teleporter.
Note : this fog is a custom pass, not the default fog of Unity (in the Environment Settings). You can see the script for this custom pass in the Oasis scene on the OasisFog Gameobject. The actual Unity fog seems to be working well.

*Expected results:* 
These effects use the correct depth texture, and look integrated in the environment

*Reproducible with versions:* 
2023.3.0b1, 2023.3.0b8, 6000.0.5.f1

*Not reproducible with versions:* 

*Can't test with versions:* 
Not tested on other versions

*Tested on (OS):* 


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