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[URP] Spot light produces shadow artifacts



*Steps to reproduce:*

# Create a new Universal 3D template project
# Add a plane and a cube to the scene
# Disable directional light
# Add Spot Light
# Enable shadows on the light
# Rotate/move around the light and observe the shadow of the cube

*Actual results:* seems like top of the cube shadow is sepparated and shadows are not synced with the rest of the cube

*Expected results:* shadows are rendered without artifacts

*Reproducible with versions:* 
2021.3.39f1 2022.3.32f1 6000.0.5f1

*Tested on (OS):* 
macOS Intel
Windows 11

*  Seems to work as expected in HDRP template

  1. Resolution Note:

    Hi, thank you for the report.

    You will need to change your light settings to get better results. You can set the resolution of you shadow texture to "Custom" (Shadows -> Realtime Shadows -> Resolution), and select a higher value for your spot light, at the cost of performance. Try f.ex. 2048 instead.

    In addition, you can set the bias to "Custom" as well (Shadows -> Realtime Shadows -> Bias), and fiddle around with the Depth & Normal bias. I suggest try setting the Normal bias to 0.

    Hope this resolves your issue.

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