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[URP][Lighting] The skybox doesn't render after changing the settings of the Material when using the URP Render Pipeline



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the attached “Bugs2023” project
2. Open “SampleScene”
3. Select “Assets/Skybox_Cubemap (Blurred)” and in the Inspector window change the Rotation variable
4. Observe the Scene view

Expected result: The skybox is rendered or throws an error in the Console
Actual result: The skybox is displayed as a solid color without any errors

Reproducible with: 2021.3.37f1, 2022.3.25f1, 2023.2.19f1, 6000.0.0b16

Testing environment: macOS Sonoma 14.4.1 (Intel), macOS 14.4.1 (M2), Windows 10
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

- Reproducible in both the Editor and the Player
- In the Player, the skybox is rendered as black color
- Doesn’t reproduce when changing Default Render Pipeline in Project Settings → Graphics to None

  1. Resolution Note:

    As with , this is by design. unity_SpecCube0 and accompanying shader uniforms are only intended to be used in shaders that are applied to a renderer in the scene. Using the uniforms in a skybox shader will result in reading unspecified data. This applies to both URP and BiRP, although the setup 'works' by coincidence in BiRP for the specific scene, due to the uniform leaking from a previous drawcall.

    If your usecase demands feeding a cubemap to your skybox shader, you can set it manually using Material.SetTexture on RenderSettings.skybox, or by using Shader.SetGlobalTexture. The baked skybox reflection texture is available via the ReflectionProbe.defaultTexture property.

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