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4.10.0 - prievew

Issue ID




[URP] GameObject Shader is invisible in Scene/Game View until Shader Property panel window is expanded

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline Universal


Reproduction steps:
1. Create a new URP project
2. Import the provided custom package "UrpTree.unitypackage"
3. In the Project window open "Repro.unity" Scene

Expected result: GameObject "Tree_01 (8)" is not invisible in the Game/Scene View even when Shader Property panel isn't expanded
Actual result: GameObject "Tree_01 (8)" is invisible in the Game/Scene View until Shader Property panel is expanded

Reproduces on: LWRP 4.10.0 - prievew (2018.4.20f1), URP 7.3.1 (2019.3.9f1), 9.0.0-preview.14 (2020.1.0b5, 2020.2.0a7)
Couldn't test on 2017.4 (No package)

-Until the Editor is restarted the issue does not reproduce when Shader properties panel is expanded in the Inspector window
-Only reproducible when Surface Type is set to "Transparent"

  1. Resolution Note:

    The bug was caused by invalid data in the unitypackage.

    To fix the bug:
    Import the project.
    Click on the "./Tree_01 (8).prefab" prefab or material "./Cube_World/Models/Materials/Props.mat" to update the texture.
    Now the tree should work as expected.

    If you want the unitypackage to be valid then export the working tree prefab together with the Cube_World folder.

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