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Unity freezes at /Assets/Textures/Skies/Daytime/SunsetSkyboxHDR.hdr when importing Unity's "Viking Village" Asset Package
To reproduce:
1. Open a new Unity project
2. Open Asset Store and download Unity's free asset package "Viking Village"
3. Import downloaded Asset package
Expected result: Unity should not freeze
Actual result: Unity freezes having reached 83% when importing SunsetSkyboxHDR.hdr (see attached image "importingfreeze.png")
Reproduced on: 5.5.4p1, 5.6.2f1, 2017.1.0b10, 2017.2.0a4
Note: Force killing frozen Unity and opening it back up freezes it again when loading assets (see attached image "loadingfreeze.png")
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Jan 08, 2020 15:43
same issue here, Unity 2019.1.14f1 / MacOS 10.14.6
when loading .hdr unity freezes at 83% and needs force quit.
Sep 13, 2018 14:08
Having the same issue on 2018.2.6
Sep 02, 2018 12:40
I'm having this issue now in 2018.2.6. Importing HDR skyboxes from the 'Skybox Series Free' asset takes an incredible amount of time and eats up 700+% CPU for many minutes.
May 31, 2018 16:26
I also have such problem with Unity 2017.3. I tried to import different skyboxes but Unity crashed (wasn't responsible for more then hour). I tried to download smaller size package and it was imported but it was incredible slow after 83%.
May 29, 2018 15:54
Same issue in Unity 2018.1... A year later. That pretty much means that you cannot import the Viking Village assets upon creation of a new project.
Aug 11, 2017 10:33
After further testing, it looks like it's the Fixup Edge Seams that causes it to be incredibly slow, but not crash- without this, it gets stuck at 83% for about a minute and then completes importing, but with Fixup Edge Seams enabled it takes a good couple of minutes to finish importing.
So if anyone else runs into this issue, just delete the .meta file to cause it to reimport as a 2D texture (super fast!) and then re-set it up to use the settings you want, and be patient when it hits that 83% ...
Aug 11, 2017 10:29
I ran into the same issue on Unity 5.5.2p1 running on MacOS 10.12.6.
Exactly the same asset, SunsetSkyboxHDR.hdr, froze at 83% importing every time while it was present in the Assets path.
Once I removed this asset, everything else loaded correctly.
So I did a bit of testing - it looks like some info from the .meta file is what's causing it to crash. I deleted the existing .meta file and the next time Unity launched it correctly identified that the file had crashed on import last time, so replaced it with a placeholder asset. I right-clicked on the HDR file and chose Reimport, and this time it imported, but as a regular 2D texture.
When trying to change the texture asset type to Cube instead of 2D, the importer crashed again. So it looks like the Cube importer for HDR images is or was broken somehow...