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Unity Editor hangs when editing scripts in play mode

Editor - Other


Steps to reproduce:
1. Open attached project ("case_785473-MasterPiss").
2. Open scene named "ExperimentalScene".
3. Press play button in the Editor.
4. Open "MainController" script in Visual Studio 2015.
5. Add this line of code (or similar) somewhere inside of Start() function:
6. Go back to Unity's editor and press stop button.
7. Notice that you cannot select or press something anymore and TaskManager shows that Unity is "Not responding".

Expected result:
Editing scripts in play mode should not make Unity's Editor to hang.

Reproduced with:
5.4.0b13, 5.3.4p2, 5.3.4f1, 5.2.4f1, 5.1.0f3.

Comments (3)

  1. iBicha

    Apr 15, 2016 01:30

    A more obvious pattern of this happening is when the project contains native plugins. it probably hangs after editing because it is trying to reload native plugins in play mode.

  2. RKeown3D

    Apr 06, 2016 20:58

    Last lines in Editor.log file, during every crash I've experienced on this is as follows:

    Refresh: detecting if any assets need to be imported or removed ... Refresh: elapses 0.002718 seconds (Nothing changed)
    Refresh: detecting if any assets need to be imported or removed ... Refresh: elapses 0.002838 seconds (Nothing changed)
    Cleanup mono

  3. RKeown3D

    Apr 06, 2016 20:54

    I'm actually seeing this as well, while working with the editor script for the Unity Package Asset Index asset. I'm using 5.3.4.p1 (64-bit)

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