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Unity Editor fails to import on a PC with gen 13 intel CPU and RTX4090



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the attached user's project "" or create a Third Person Template project through Unity Hub
2. Observe how one of the 3 scenarios occurs:
A. Project crashes
B. Error appears on opening the project "Fatal Error. System.AccesViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that another memory is corrupt."
C. Importing never ends

Expected results: project opens normally
Actual results: one of the three scenarios occurs when importing on a machine with gen 13 intel CPU and RTX4090

Reproducible according to the user: 2021.3.16f1, 2022.2.13f1
Unable to test on 2020.3.48f1, 2021.3.26f1, 2022.2.22f1, 2023.1.0b18, 2023.2.0a16 due to absence of specified hardware

Environment tested on:
Windows 10 (2H21), Intel Xeon W 2145, RTX 2070S

-Issue only reproduces on this specific hardware "gen 13 intel CPU and RTX4090"
-A workaround is to force the project to load with "TextureUncompressed" via Unity Hub command line arguments

  1. Resolution Note:

    Since this appeared to be a hardware issue in the end, this issue is closed since all is still working as designed.

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