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Unicode characters which are longer than 4 digits do not work




1. Add a Text componet and set it's font to the attached one

2. Paste either of these two symbols into the text box
⛄ - 26C4
⏳ - 23F3
they are not displayed/displayed incorrectly in the input field, but are loaded fine from the font .ttf file in the scene.

3. But this symbol
�� - 1F419
and all the other glyphs from the font file which have are defined by 5 or more digits are not displayed.


Unity currently only supports code points in the Basic Multilingual Plane (i.e. U+0000 - U+FFFF). Code points in the supplemental planes are not supported.

Comments (1)

  1. NiklasBorglund

    Nov 11, 2014 15:56

    I'm having this issue too, but with TextMesh, GUIText and NGUILabel. Even thought I have a font that supports the characters I want(with 5 digits) - I only see blank fields.

    Just wrote a post on answers:

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