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[UNET] Packet drop simulation causes disconnect when client sends messages via ReliableFragmented channel



[UNET] Packet drop simulation causes disconnect when client sends messages via ReliableFragmented channel
Client sends a big message (4096 bytes). 3 in one second via ReliableFragmented channel. Server responds 1 message in one second with the count of messages its got.
To simulate network issues use "Clumsy" with the next settings:
Lag = 100 ms
Drop = 10%

1. Open attached project
2. Run test scene in Editor
3. Press "Server" button
4. Run standalone build and press "Connect" button
Wait a little bit a see that everything works as expected
5. Run Clumsy with the Lag = 100 ms, Drop = 10%
6. Wait
After ~20 sec client disconnected from the server

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