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Visual Element's Pseudo State stays in Hover when there's a different instance of Visual Element over it

Package: UI Toolkit


How to reproduce:
1. Open attached project ""
2. Open Scene Scenes/SampleScene
3. Enter Play Mode
4. Open Window > UI Toolkit > UI Toolkit Debugger window
5. At the top of the UI Toolkit Debugger window press the "Pick Element" button
6. In the Game view select the gray square with the text "Button"
7. Click on the square
8. Move the mouse away from the white square that appeared
9. In the UI Toolkit Debugger observe the Pseudo State of the gray square that was selected

Expected result: The Pseudo State is "None"
Actual result: The Pseudo State is "Hover"

Reproducible with: 1.0.0-preview.15 - 1.0.0-preview.17 (2020.3.18f1, 2021.1.21f1, 2021.2.0b12, 2022.2.0a10)
Can't test with: 2019.4.30f1 (No UI Toolkit package in this version), 1.0.0-preview.14 and lower (2020.3.18f1, 2021.1.21f1, 2021.2.0b12, 2022.2.0a10 - console errors)

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