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Under Consideration for 2021.3.X, 2022.3.X



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UI Toolkit element row margins are scaled inconsistently when UI Scaling is bigger than the default



How to reproduce:
1. Open the ““ project
2. Click “Test/Test“ in the Toolbar to open a “MyEditorWindow“ Window
3. Change the UI Scaling in Preferences (through desktop settings or custom value) to a bigger value (from the default option to 1-2 options higher)
4. Observe the “MyEditorWindow“ Window

Expected result: All colored boxes fit into the black-bordered box
Actual result: The last colored box does not fit and goes down by one row

Reproducible in: 2021.3.40f1, 2022.3.38f1, 6000.0.10f1

Reproduced on: Windows 11 Pro (23H2)
Not reproduced on: MacOS 14.4.1 (M2) (No UI Scaling), No other environment tested

- To expand on 3rd step: if your default UI Scaling is 100%, you should change to 125% scaling. Similarly, if your scaling is 250%, you should change to 350%, downscaling causes no issue
- Does not seem to reproduce when the bordered box’s “style.flexWrap” enum is set to “NoWrap”
- Changing the colored box’s margins to an even number (2, 4, 6, 8, etc.) will fix the issue
- In version 6000.0.10f1, the second row colored box is not encapsulated by the bordered box

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