Search Issue Tracker
Fixed in 2019.2.X
Fixed in 2018.4.X, 2019.3.X
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Issue ID
TransformAccessArray.Dispose() crashes player
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open new project
2. Add attached "TestScript.cs" to a GameObject
(The script calls TransformAccessArray.Dispose() on start)
3. Build and run player
4. On start, the app will crash
Expected: App should not crash
Actual: App crashes
Reproduced on 2018.3.14f1, 2019.1.0f2, 2019.2.0a12, 2020.1.0a14.
Reproduced on Windows, Android, Mac and iOS platforms
Fixed in 2020.1.0a17, 2019.3.0f5, 2019.2.19f1.
Comments (65)
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Resolution Note (fix version 2019.2):
TransformAccessArray.Dispose() should not be called by user.
Resolution Note (fix version 2018.4):
Fixed in 2018.4.17f1.