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[Transform] Translate inverted by object's negative localScale

Editor - Other


Repro steps:
1) Open the project and scene.scene
2) Play it and notice you can move the Quad with arrow keys
3) Select character object in the Hierarchy and change Transform Scale to (-1,-1, 1)
4) Try moving the quad with arrow keys now
5) Notice the movement is inverted (right arrow moves left and etc.)

Expected behaviour: object movement is not inverted because of localScale

Reproduced in: 5.4.0b18; 5.4.0b13
No repro in: 5.3.4p6

Regression introduced in: 5.4.x

Comments (2)

  1. fishhead2

    Sep 17, 2016 04:51

    negativi transform
    ( i have use camera neg sacle for other side enemy. )

    5.3.4p6 works.
    5.4.1p1 not work.

  2. scnoobi

    Aug 09, 2016 03:55

    Your joking that this is by design right? SCALE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MOVEMENT.

    its like saying. if you scale something thats 20,20,20 it should be faster than its 1,1,1 counterpart

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