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Fixed in 2017.2.0f3



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Issue ID




Transform.hasChanged gets set to true when using Handles.Slider even if the transform is not being changed



Steps to reproduce :

- import the project attached
- open the scene bugdemo
- click on the camera
- drag the arrow under the camera and notice that "Object was moved" is being shown in the console

Comments (3)

  1. ZZantal

    Jul 27, 2016 14:33

    You have got to be kidding me,

    you are supposed to set it to false yourself . . .

    Would have been nice if there was any hint of this in the manual . . .

  2. ZZantal

    Jul 27, 2016 14:29

    3 years have passed and it still always reports true.
    I have to cycle through a lot of transforms and perform an update only if they have been moved, would have been really easy if this feature worked but instead I have to resort to position and rotation checking which can become quite expensive when my object count becomes high.

    . . .

  3. Jokerminator

    May 10, 2014 12:25

    Transform.hasChanged is useless like it is at the moment. It always seems to be true..

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