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Fixed in 1.5.2, 2.1.2, 3.0.2



Found in [Package]

3.0.0 - preview.3

Issue ID




[TMP] ArgumentException is thrown when creating TextMeshPro Text GameObjects using the context menu while in prefab mode

Package: TextMeshPro


How to reproduce:
1. Open user-submitted project (
2. Open the SampleScene
3. Open the Screen Prefab in Prefab mode
4. Select the child GameObject '## HERE ##', right-click it and add a 'Text - TextMeshPro' GameObject

Expected result: Text (TMP) is created and is a child of '## HERE ##' GameObject
Actual result: Text (TMP) is created and is a child of the 'Screen' GameObject, an ArgumentException is thrown

Reproducible with: 2018.4.26f1(TMP 1.5.0 - preview.3, 1.5.1), 2019.4.6f1(TMP preview.3 - 2.1.0, 2.1.1), 2020.1.0f1, 2020.1.0a19(TMP 3.0.0. - preview.3, 3.0.1)
Not reproducible with: 2018.4.26f1(TMP 1.5.0 - preview.2), 2019.4.6f1(TMP preview.2 - 2.1.0), 2020.1.0f1, 2020.1.0a19(TMP 3.0.0 - preview.1)

Issue does not reproduce when performing step 4 in the Hierarchy window and then applying the Prefab override

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