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[Timeline] Scrubbing the Timeline animation doesn't work on SubScenes

Package: Timeline


Reproduction steps:
1. Open "1193770" project
2. Select "Director" GameObject
3. In the Timeline window, scrub through the animation
4. Notice that the main scene GO is animated, while the GO in the SubScene is not

Expected Result: Scrubbing the Timeline animation should work on all loaded scenes
Actual Result: Scrubbing the Timeline animation doesn't work on SubScenes

Reproduced with: 2020.1.0a9, 2019.3.0b8, 2019.2.10f1
Did not reproduce on(Features not yet implemented): 2018.4.12f1, 2017.4.33f1

  1. Resolution Note:

    Subscenes are a DOTS concept. Fundamentally, they are incompatible with Timeline which works with GameObjects and MonoBehaviours.

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