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Tile palette images distort when importing irregular shaped tiles



Tile palette images can distort when importing irregular shaped tiles.

When attempting to create a tile map from a sprite sheet with varying sizes of sprites, certain combinations of tiles will cause the tile palette window to overlap the tiles and distort the grid.
Can happen when automatically cutting sprite sheets in sprite editor with sprites of varying sizes and importing them in.

Repro: (may be easiest with sprite sheet attached)

1. Create a new project, importing in the 2D Sprite and 2D Tilemap Editor packages
2. Import the sprite sheet of all the tiles
3. Set texture mode to sprite, and then set the sprite mode to multiple
4. In sprite editor automatically slice all the sprites
5. Create a new tile palette (Window -> 2D -> Tile Palette)
6. Add all sprites in the sprite sheet to the tile palette

Expected: Tile palette is generated and displays without distorted and overlapping images, all tiles clearly visible.
Actual Outcome: Tiles are bunched together and images are inflated and overlapping.

If you follow the above steps 1-4, sometimes putting a small number of sprites in the sheet works fine. Overwriting the small number of sprites with all of them looks fine for a while, but on saving it can sometimes distort it again.

Despite the inflated and overlapping graphics if you press the correct square you can still paint the tile on the scene.

Found in 2019.3.0a11. Also tested in 2019.2.0f1, 2018.4.5f1 and in 2017.4.30f1, same results.

The sprite sheet used is the tiles in Base pack/Tiles folder of this download:
Exact sprite sheet also attached to this case.

License type: Pro

  1. Resolution Note:

    The Tile Palette can be manually resized. You can do this by:

    -Selecting the Tile Palette asset in the Project window
    -Expand the sub-assets of the Tile Palette asset
    -Select the Palette Settings sub-asset
    -Set the Cell Sizing to Manual
    -Refresh the Tile Palette window by closing and opening it again.

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