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The scene IDs do not refer to the same objects between the client and server



To reproduce the issue follow the steps:
1. Open "IdeationPhone" project
2. Load the "Phone" scene
3. Build the Standalone player and run it (Windowed mode, make it a portrait orientation to display 4 buttons)
4. Select Host on the Standalone player
5. Run the project in Editor
6. Select Client on the Editor instance

Note: "Stream/Main Canvas/Header" and "Stream/Main Canvas/Cortana" game objects have been disabled by the NetworkScenePostProcess.OnPostProcessScene() method.
See that Cortana has a sceneId = 1, but Header has sceneId = 0

Editor Client objects
ClientScene::PrepareSpawnObjects sceneId:1 [Cortana]
ClientScene::PrepareSpawnObjects sceneId:2 :StreamFactory
ClientScene::PrepareSpawnObjects sceneId:3 :WorkspaceManager
ClientScene::PrepareSpawnObjects sceneId:4 :Stream

Server objects
SpawnObjects sceneId:1 name:Header [Not spawned]
SpawnObjects sceneId:2 name:Cortana [Not Spawned]
SpawnObjects sceneId:3 name:StreamFactory
SpawnObjects sceneId:4 name:WorkspaceManager
SpawnObjects sceneId:5 name:Stream

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