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The “Recompile After Finished Playing” option is missing when choosing the "Script Changes While Playing" preference


Reproduction steps:
1. Open any Unity project
2. Open the Preferences window
3. Observe the available “Script Changes While Playing” options

Expected result: Options are “Recompile And Continue Playing”, “Recompile After Finished Playing“ and “Stop Playing And Recompile“
Actual result: Option “Recompile After Finished Playing” is missing

Reproduced in: 2021.3.9f1, 2022.1.15f1, 2022.2.0a11, 2022.2.0b7, 2023.1.0a9
Not reproduced in: 2020.3.39f1, 2021.3.8f1, 2022.1.14f1, 2022.2.0a10

Reproduced using: Windows 10, macOS Monterey 12.0.1

  1. Resolution Note:

    This features has been depricated due to it not working as intented. It has been replaced with a new auto refresh feature in `Preferences -> Asserts Pipeline -> Enabled Outside Playmode`

Comments (6)

  1. CloudyVR

    May 05, 2023 13:32

    "Recompile After Finished Playing" Worked!!! Only this option was the working option!

    "Recompile And Continue Playing" Corrupts erases my scene and I have to restore from backups!

    "Stop Playing And Recompile" Is not really useful and time intensive not a option I would even ever use.

    Unity's response: "depricated due to it not working as intented" is grammatically full of errors and makes no sense. Is this a joke?

    Will all future editors be broken now?

  2. Bartek00

    Nov 14, 2022 14:22

    "Recompile After Finished Playing" was the only option that worked for our team, please bring it back.

    "Recompile And Continue Playing" just crashes everything.

    "Stop Playing And Recompile" shuts down the game when someone edits any script, it just doesn't make sense - you lose all your in-game progress.

  3. BoaNeo

    Oct 30, 2022 08:57

    I don't get this.

    What was wrong with “Recompile After Finished Playing“ ? It's the only one of those three options that has consistently worked for me - both the other options are super annoying.

    “Recompile And Continue Playing” is a sweet idea, but I've only seen it work in the most basic projects (mostly it looses references and you end up in a big ball of null reference exceptions).

    “Stop Playing And Recompile“ means that if I accidentally edit a source file while debugging (even just adding a TODO or comment), it stops the player when I toggle back to Unity.

    Also, `Preferences -> Asserts Pipeline -> Enabled Outside Playmode` is not a thing in the version of Unity I have (2022.1.20f1), so can't say if that solves anything.

    In any case, please bring the “Recompile After Finished Playing“ option back - In my experience it's a lot less broken than the other two.

  4. malinin_unity

    Oct 11, 2022 19:29

    Need to manually refresh assets after exiting from play mode, otherwise scripts are not reloaded.

  5. altair2020

    Oct 09, 2022 12:11

    `Preferences -> Asserts Pipeline -> Enabled Outside Playmode` does not match previous functionality?

  6. LocoNuts

    Sep 16, 2022 09:03

    2021.3.9f1 conferm

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