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Fixed in 2017.1.0f3



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Issue ID




The project does not build on the device and an error "Win32Exception" appears when the key is set in Player Settings



Reproduction steps:
1. Create a new project;
2. Switch platform to Android;
3. Go to Player Settings -> Publishing Settings;
4. Create a new Keystore;
5. Set the new Keystore to Key settings;
6. Build the project;

Actual result: the project does not build on the device. An error appears "Win32Exception: ApplicationName='E:\AndroidSDK\build-tools\26.0.0\apksigner.bat', CommandLine='sign --ks "E:/Downloads/Key And Keystore Test (1)/user.keystore" --ks-pass pass:"111111" --ks-key-alias "toma"".

Expected result: an error should not appear and the project should be built.

Reproduced with: 2017.1.0a3, 2017.1.0b1, 2017.1.0f3, 2017.2.0b2
Not reproducible with: 5.5.4p1, 5.6.2p3, 2017.1.0a2
Regression introduced in 2017.1.0a3

Note: the issue is not reproducible with the newest Android SDK Build-Tools (26.0.1)

Comments (3)

  1. aboazar

    Oct 06, 2017 18:29

    Yes indeed updating to Android SDK Build Tools v.26.0.1 fixes it, thanks JOKERMINATOR.

  2. Ekwav

    Aug 15, 2017 15:37

    JOKERMINATOR is right :)

  3. Jokerminator

    Jul 26, 2017 09:31

    Updating to Android SDK Build Tools v.26.0.1 fixes the issue. :)

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