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Fixed in 1.0.0-preview.10



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




The ListView 'Horizontal Scrolling' checkbox is reverted to the unchecked state after saving the file

Package: UI Builder


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached '' project
2. In the Project window double-click on the 'Test' Asset
3. In the Hierarchy of the UI Builder Explorer expand 'Test..uxml' and select 'ListView'
4. In the Inspector of the UI Builder check the 'Horizontal Scrolling' checkbox
5. In the Viewport toolbar select File > Save
6. Observe the 'Horizontal Scrolling' checkbox

Expected result: The 'Horizontal Scrolling' checkbox is checked
Actual result: The 'Horizontal Scrolling' checkbox is reverted to the unchecked state

Reproducible with: UI Builder 0.10.2-preview (2020.1.0b12), 1.0.0-preview.4, 1.0.0-preview.9 (2020.1.0b12, 2020.1.12f1)
Cannot test with: 2018.4.28f1, 2019.4.13f1, 2020.1.0b11 (UI Toolkit is not supported), UI Builder 1.0.0-preview.3 (2020.1.12f1, 2020.2.0a1, 2020.2.0b9, 2021.1.0a1) (due to errors with packages)

- Without the UI Toolkit package there is no 'Horizontal Scrolling' option
- The issue does not reproduce with other settings in the UI Builder Inspector window

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 1.0.0-preview.10):

    This is a simple bug purely on the UI Builder side. It should be fixed in the next version update. In the meantime, rest assured that it's only the UI itself that has the bug. The attribute is correctly set on your ListView. You can verify this by looking at the UXML Preview pane in the UI Builder.

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