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The light leaks through the GameObjects in the Player when the Spot Light Outer Angle is set to be 150 and the Light Mode is set to Realtime


How to reproduce:
1. Open the “Repro_Light_Project“
2. Open the “Indoor_Level“ scene
3. Open the “H_Lamp_Flickering_1” Prefab to edit in isolation
4. Open the “Spot Light“ GameObject in the Inspector
5. In the Light component set mode to Realtime
6. Set the Inner Spot Angle to 130 and the Outer Spot Angle to 150
7. Build and Run
8. Observe the Player

Expected result: No light is leaking from the bottom of the wall
Actual result: Light is leaking from the bottom of the wall

Reproducible with: 6000.0.2f1
Could not test with: 2021.3.39f1, 2022.3.29f1 (Could not fix the “BuildFailedException: GraphicSetting's HDRenderPipelineAsset Assets/High.asset is a non updated asset. Please use HDRP wizard to fix it.”)

Reproducible on: Windows 10 Pro
Could not test on: macOS 13.5.2 (Intel) (Building with macOS Build Profile throws the “Burst internal compiler error“)
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

- Only reproducible in the Player
- Could not test any other Build Profile, because of the “Burst internal compiler error“
- Changing Shadows Resolution makes no difference

  1. Resolution Note:

    This issue occurs because the standalone player uses a lower shadow map size for Punctual Light. In the Quality settings, you can see that while the editor uses the 'High' HDRP asset, the standalone player uses the 'Low' HDRP asset, so the light only leaks in the build. It cannot be reproduced once you set the shadow map size to higher value in the 'Low' HDRP asset or build with the 'High' asset.

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