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Fix In Review for 1.22.3, 2.2.3



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The AssetBundle does not get unloaded when the "Addressables.UnloadSceneAsync" method is called while the "Addressables.LoadSceneAsync" method hasn't finished execution

Package: Build Pipeline - Addressables


How to reproduce:
1. Open the “addressable-scene-bundle-leak“ project
2. Open the “SceneLeakMain“ scene
3. Open the “Windows > Asset Management > Addressables > Groups“ window
4. Build a Default Build Script
5. Set the Play Mode Script to Use Existing Build
6. Enter the Play Mode
7. Connect the Profiler and add the Addressable Assets module
8. Click the space bar two times
9. Observe the Addressable Assets module in the Profiler

Expected result: The AssetBundle gets loaded and unloaded
Actual result: The AssetBundle does not get unloaded

Reproducible with: 2021.3.39f1, 2022.3.34f1, 6000.0.7f1

Reproducible on: macOS 14.5 (Intel), Windows 10 (User's)
Not reproducible on: No other environments tested

- Reproduces both in the Play Mode and the Player
- If the scene loads faster than you can press on the space bar, adjust the variable "numSceneInstances" in the "SceneLeakRunner.cs" script

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