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[SyncVar] Client receives updates not only on class that's being updated but also on class that inherits it



Steps to reproduce:

1. Open attached "". Inside there are two projects: client and server
2. Open both projects
3. In both projects, open scene "_entry"
4. Open profilers for both projects and make sure that NetworkOperations profiling is enabled
5. Run "_entry" scene on project "server" and start as host
6. Observe profiler and notice that the only OUT that exists is project spawn
7. Now in "client" project start scene "_entry" and run as client
8. In profiler, notice that two INs exist: one is project spawn, another one is update on SyncVarTest_InheritedWithSyncVar although server hasn't sent any data. Also notice that column "Total" for that class is 2
9. Now get back to server and press Q to update SyncVarTest class
10. Get back to client again and in profiler notice that IN for SyncVarTest was received and also column "Total" for SyncVarTest_InheritedWithSyncVar is 4 - it got updated with an update of SyncVarTest

Reproduced with: 5.2.4p1, 5.3.2p3, 5.4.0b6

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