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Fixed in 6000.0.18f1, 7000.0.0a1



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Issue ID




Style Class .unity-disabled is added to Template Element when a Binding is removed from a property



*Steps to reproduce:*
# Create or open any Project with the UI Toolkit installed
# Create a "UI Document" Asset and open it
# Add any UI Element to the Hierarchy
# Right click it and select "Create Template" and select it
# In the UI Builders Inspector hover over any of the values and click the kebab menu on the left of the values and select "Add binding..." and add any type of Binding
# Right click the icon that now appears instead of the kebab menu and select "Remove binding"
# Observe "Stylesheet" section in the UI Builders Inspector for that Element

*Actual results:* .unity-disabled Class is added to the Template Element

*Expected results:* No additional selectors are added to the Element

*Reproducible with versions:* 2023.3.0a17, 6000.0.13f1

*Not reproducible with versions:* 2021.3.40f1, 2022.3.40f1, 2023.3.0a16

*Tested on (OS):* macOS Sonoma, Windows 11

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