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Stepping over a specific breakpoint while debugging in VS Code crashes editor



To reproduce:
1. Open attached project
2. Open 'MainScene' in project and run built game for Mac (we need 2 games would be played parallelly)
3. Open ‘InitialTurnScript’ in 'Scripts'->'Game'
4. Set a break point in the InitialTurnScript in the Update method on line 121 and start debugging
5. Create 2 users, choose the lowest timeout for game discovery
6. Press 'Step over' when you hit breakpoint

Expected: you will be able to continue debugging after clicking 'step over' button in VS Code
Actual: Unity crashes

Reproduced on: 5.5.0f3, p2, 5.6.0b1

NOTE: not able to reproduce on 5.4 and to strip project, because deleting or recompiling 'Library folder' (has the biggest weight) causes disability to reproduce issue because of lost project functionality.

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