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Won't Fix

Won't Fix in 2017.2.X



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[SPS] Occlusion mesh is visible when rendering to an RT



In the attached test scene there are two cameras. RT Camera views a cube and an EXR skybox, and renders that to an RT. Main Camera views a quad against a blue background. A script places the RT into the quad's material.

In multi-pass stereo mode this works fine; you can see the cube and the skybox rendered onto the quad. The bug is that in single-pass stereo mode there is a black "bite" taken out of the rendering of the cube. Also in Single-pass the framing of thequad in the two eye viewports is a little different.

See the attached screenshots.

On Windows 10 I see this problem occur using Unity 2017.2.0b3 and the following trunk build:
Version 2017.3.0a3 (cb45001608cb)
Thu, 27 Jul 2017 22:18:51 GMT
Branch: trunk

After this is resolved, Graphics Test 655-stereo-RTScriptBlit should be enabled.

  1. Resolution Note:

    XR Management has evaluated this issue and determined that it does not meet our current bug severity threshold. If you would like your issue to be reviewed again, please re-submit your bug.

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