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Sprites bound to Sprite Atlases that are not included in build show up as white squares in the Editor

Package: Addressables


How to reproduce:
1. Open the BaseScene scene in attached "" project
2. Select the "Loader" GameObject in the Hierarchy window
3. Enter Play Mode

Expected result: the Sprites show up in the Game window
Actual result: the Sprites are white in the Play Mode

Reproducible with: Addressables 1.2.2 (2018.3.0a3, 2018.4.0f1, 2018.4.15f1, 2019.2.18f1, 2019.3.0f5, 2020.1.0a19), Addressables 1.5.0 (2018.3.0a3, 2018.4.0f1, 2018.4.15f1, 2019.2.18f1, 2019.3.0f5, 2020.1.0a19)
Not reproducible with: Addressables 1.1.10 (2018.4.0f1)
Could not test with: 2017.4.35f (Addressables package was not introduced), 2018.3.0a1, 2018.3.0a2 (could not enter play mode due to scriptable build pipeline errors after installing the Addressables package)

Note: Inspector window (with the selected "Loader" GameObject) has to be opened before entering Play Mode

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is by design. This mode won't show things not included in the build.

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