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Fixed in 5.6.0



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Issue ID




SpawnWithClientAuthority and AssignClientAuthority returns TRUE when authority is not assigned



When calling NetworkManger.SpawnWithClientAuthority(gameObject, conn) or NetworkManger.AssignClientAuthority(gameObject, conn) and conn.isReady = FALSE, then TRUE is returned but Authority is not assigned.

In this case conn.isReady is still equal to false, because it is called right in NetworkManager.OnServerConnect method. If we wait for conn.isReady = TRUE before we try spawn object, then authority is assigned properly.

Reproducion steps:
1. Open attached project
2. Run "Test" scene
3. Click "LAN Host(H)" button
3. Observe that "LocalScoreController(Clone)" object does not have Authority (Network Information on Inspector)

Actual result:
Console printed "True" but authority is not assigned

Expected result:
Methods should either assign authority after connection is ready and return TRUE OR return FALSE if not assigned.

Reproduced on: Unity 5.2.5f, 5.3.0f4, 5.4.2f1, 5.5.0b9, 5.6.0a1

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