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Under Consideration for 2022.3.X



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Slider tracker is incorrectly affected by playmode tint



h1. Summary

When in play mode in the editor, the tracker line in the [Slider|] UI element changes to a very light, almost invisible color that is not  consistent with other UI elements, notably the [MinMaxSlider|]. This is especially noticeable in light mode
h2. Steps to reproduce
# Make sure the playmode tint color ({_}Settings->Colors->Playmode tint{_}) is *_not_* set to FFFFFF
# Open the attached project _SliderTrackerColorTest_
# Click _SliderTest->Open window_
# Observe the color of the trackers of the two different slider types
# Enter playmode
# Observe the color of the trackers of the two different slider types

Play around with the playmode tint while in playmode. If the tint is completely black, the slider tracker will be the only thing visible (white).
h2. Actual results

The color of the tracker on the standard slider is the same as the color of the tracker on the minmax slider (i.e. darker).
h2. Expected results

The color of the tracker on the standard slider is the same as the color of the tracker on the minmax slider (i.e. darker).
h2. Reproducible with versions

2022.3.31f1, 6000.0.5f1
h2. Not reproducible with versions

h2. Can’t test with versions

h2. Tested on (OS)

macOS Sonoma 14.5

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