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Skinning Editor has no "remove bone" button when trying to delete a bone

Package: 2D Animation


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached "" project
2. Click on the "Untitled" sprite in the Assets, go to Inspector and click on "Sprite Editor" button
3. Switch to Skinning Editor and try to delete any bone

Expected result: Skinning Editor has "Remove bone" button
Actual result: Skinning Editor has no "Remove bone" button

Reproducible: 2018.3.7f1, 2019.1.0b4, 2019.2.0a6
Can't reproduce:
- 2018.3.0a1 - 2018.3.0b9, 2019.1.0a1 - 2019.1.0a14, because of missing Skinning Editor
- 2017.4.21f1, because of missing Package Manager feature

The workaround: select "Create Bone" button, select bone which you want to delete and press "Detele" in a keyboard

  1. Resolution Note:

    Use "Edit Joints" tool to delete selected bones using the delete key.

Comments (5)

  1. sezayegenoglu

    Jan 08, 2023 10:38

    for Mac you have to select bone and then go to edit bone and hit command and delete that's works for me

  2. Brickiness

    Aug 14, 2021 14:52

    I found that I can delete bones if I click the edit bone button, select the bone and then press the delete

  3. TehBlackhole

    Mar 18, 2021 16:51

    2020.1.17.f1 the issue persists. The resolution note does not work as pressing the "delete" key when selecting bones does not remove bones.

  4. Manuel_Studio05

    Sep 10, 2019 12:01

    You can Delete a bone (on a MAC) by holding Command AND Pressing Backspace in the 'Edit Joints section' and the 'Create Bone' section when selecting a bone.
    Delete Button doesn't work.

  5. Graeme_EA

    May 09, 2019 20:33

    I can reproduce this in 2019.1.1f1. Additionally, the workaround noted in the issue description doesn't work for me. So, I can create lots of bones, just not delete them - not with either delete key, or any key/modifier/mouse button combination I tried.

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