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[OSX] Deformation flickers, without GPU Skinning

Graphics - General


Deformations on a skinned character flickers when selected in the scene and in Editor Play mode.

Enabling "GPU Skinning" in the Player settings fixes the deformations and plays back properly.

-open project
-open adam_flickerBug scene
-select Adam in hierarchy (does not repro, if character is not selected)
-click Editor Play
result: Adam's skin flickers in the Scene or Game view (depending on version, see below)
expected result: no flickering, exactly like when "GPU Skinning" is enabled.

repro in ...
Version 5.4.0b23 (8fa167952f64)
Sun, 19 Jun 2016 20:17:08 GMT
Branch: 5.4/staging
... the character deformations flicker in the Scene view.

repro in ...
Version 5.5.0a1 (d0b1c4db6e1f)
Fri, 17 Jun 2016 15:17:28 GMT
Branch: 5.5/animation/dev
... the character deformations flicker in the Game view.

this is NOT repro in...
Version 5.3.5p5 (2fb591d65635)
Sat, 18 Jun 2016 14:56:33 GMT
Branch: 5.3/patch-release

see attached gifs & swf
(drop swf in web browser to view)

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