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Fixed in 5.4.0



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[Shuriken] "StackOverflowException" appears and Editor freezes while using "Particle Callbacks demo" project



Regression from at least Version 5.3.2p3 (b6c1a63227dc)
1. Open project!/content/11903
Delete the script that causes a compilation error
2. Run "particleCallbacks" scene
3. Click several times on the barrel with the fire
Editor freezes and "StackOverflowException" appears

Please, find attached movie for details

Comments (2)

  1. hunterloftis

    Mar 21, 2016 06:36

    An onParticleCollision callback by itself doesn't cause the issue. This code caused no issues:

    void OnParticleCollision(GameObject other) {
    List<ParticleCollisionEvent> collisions = new List<ParticleCollisionEvent>();
    ps.GetCollisionEvents(other, collisions);
    foreach (ParticleCollisionEvent c in collisions) {
    DamageDestroyables(other.GetComponentInParent<Destroyable>(), c.intersection);

    Further down the chain, DamageDestroyables() led to this:

    damageParticles.transform.position = location;

    The commented out line is what caused the stack overflow. Changing that to:

    if (!damageParticles.isPlaying) damageParticles.Play();

    ...Did not help anything. Still a stack overflow.

  2. hunterloftis

    Mar 21, 2016 06:12

    I'm getting the same thing with a project that was previously working (5.3.2-something). I'm using an "OnParticleCollision" callback to determine when a bullet hits a player and it causes a series of StackOverflowException errors with no extra information. The editor also freezes as in this description.

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