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Fixed in 5.4.0



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[Shuriken] Mesh particles with Trigger set to Kill on Exit occasionally display visual artefacts in Editor

Visual Effects - Legacy


Particle Systems using Mesh render mode with a trigger set to kill on exit will randomly explode vertices from the mesh while in edit mode. This can be observed in both the scene and game view.

Repro steps:
1. Open Bug_VisualArtefact scene from attached project.
2. Click on ParticleSystem within the hierarchy to start the particle system.
3. If artefact has not appeared yet, click away from ParticleSystem in the hierarchy and then click again on it.
4. Observe how occasionally vertices flicker across the screen.

Expected: no visual artefacts.

- It's sometimes easier to see in the scene view by just rotating the view around the particle system.
- Reproducible in 5.4.0b1 and b2.
- Issue doesn't seem to appear in play mode.

(New feature introduced in 5.4.0b1, not a regression).

Comments (1)

  1. LucianoMacaDonati

    Sep 13, 2018 16:23

    I'm having a similar issue but it happens with the default particle system without any modifications. Were you able to solve it somehow?

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