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[Shaders] New procedural skydome materials do not match the default values if the color space was changed



Creating a new procedural skydome material after opening the editor in one color space and changing it to the other (i.e. open in linear and change to gamma) creates a material not matching the default skybox color values.

Repro steps:
1. Open attached project, or create your own (no scene necessary).
2. Create a new procedural skydome material.
3. Go to player settings and change color space (i.e. if it's linear, change to gamma or vice versa).
4. Create a new procedural skydome material.
5. Observe the color difference between the two.
5.1 (Optional) assign new material as the current level skydome to see the drastic difference.

Expected outcome: new material to have same settings as default one.

- Attached project has 3 materials: default, one created in linear space after editor was opened in gamma, and one created in gamma after editor was created in linear. (see image below)
- Tested for regression in 5.3.1f1, behaviour is the same.

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