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[ShaderGraph]When convert a color node into property, the color property appeals as "Color(4)" when drag it into the graph

Package: Shader Graph


Reproduces in 11.0.0
Repro Steps:
1. Create a color node in a shadergraph.
2. Right-click convert the color node to property.
3. The color property within the graph displays as "Color(4)"

  1. Resolution Note:

    I talked with Tracy offline about this, but this is just some confusion with how the UI currently presents things. For multi-element types (like vector, color, etc...) the count of the number of elements are displayed after the name as `(element count)`. This is also the same syntax used to display duplicates. So if you have a 2nd color property it'll show as `Color(1)(4)`. This behavior is consistent across all other nodes types as shown in the attached gif with a vector3.

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