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Fixed in 10.1.X



Found in [Package]

Master (2d24394584)

Issue ID




[Shadergraph][VFX graph] Having both Visual Effect and other targets doesn’t allow the shader to be assigned to the VFX Graph.

Package: Shader Graph


Note: also needs to be fixed in 9.x.x
Repro steps:
0. If you haven't already, under "Edit/Preferences" under "Visual Effects" check "Experimental Operators/Blocks"
1. Create a new VFX shader graph
2. Click the "Targets" dropdown and add HDRP or Universal as a target, save
3. Create a new VFX graph
4. Try to set the output shadergraph to your new graph
Expected result: the output shadergraph can be set to your new graph
Actual result: VFX graph doesn't work with shadergraphs with multiple targets

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