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Issue ID




Shadergraph master preview freezes during many types of undo operations

Package: Shader Graph


Reproduces in SRP c61b4e4d00 (Unity Version 2019.3.0a12 (b073d123dd5d))
Doesn't repro in 2019.1.11f1

Repro Steps:
1. Open a project with Shadergraph and Universal/LWRP
2. Create a sub graph
3. Create an unlit graph
4. Open the unlit graph
5. Create a sub graph node with your sub graph
6. Delete the sub graph node
7. Press control Z
8. Try to rotate/zoom the preview

Expectation: the preview will rotate/zoom
Actual result: the preview is stuck until you close the shadergraph window

  1. Resolution Note:

    JSON and save improvements should fix.

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