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Fixed in 2021.3.39f1, 2022.3.21f1, 2023.2.8f1, 2023.3.0b1



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Issue ID




Shader warning in '[SimpleRibbon] [Ribbon] when creating new 3D HDRP core project



Repro steps:
- start a new project using 2023.1.16f1 and the 3D HDRP core project

- using Windows 11 or Windows 10

- notice the warnings in the console:

Shader warning in '[SimpleRibbon] [Ribbon] Initialize Particle Strip': use of potentially uninitialized variable (GetParticleIndex) at kernel CSMain at SimpleRibbon.vfx(166) (on d3d11)

Shader warning in '[SimpleHeadsAndTrails] [Trail Bodies] Initialize Particle Strip': use of potentially uninitialized variable (GetParticleIndex) at kernel CSMain at SimpleHeadsAndTrails.vfx(174) (on d3d11)

Expected result: no warnings or errors should appear in the console, when creating a new project.
Also reproduces in 2023.2.0b11
Cannot repro in 2023.1.7f1

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2023.3.0b1):

    verified as fixed in 2023.3.0b1

Comments (1)

  1. spajus

    Nov 05, 2023 07:06

    Similar issue is also happening in 2022.3.x with URP renderer:

    [Trail Bodies] Initialize Particle Strip': use of potentially uninitialized variable (GetParticleIndex) at kernel CSMain at SelectedTiles.vfx(177) (on d3d11)

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