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Fixed in 12.0.0



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Shader Graph with global shader variable _CameraSortingLayerTexture does not work as described

Package: Shader Graph


How to reproduce:
1. Open the user's attached "" project
2. Open the "SampleScene" Scene
3. Select the "Water" GameObject in the Hierarchy window
4. Move the "Water" GameObject over the "TestImage" and "Circle" GameObjects in the Scene view

Expected result: Water effect is applied to "TestImage" and "Circle" GameObjects
Actual result: _CameraSortingLayerTexture acts as though it's not a global shader variable and the Water effect is not applied

Reproducible with: 11.0.0 (2021.1.0f1), 12.0.0 (2021.2.0a11)
Could not test with: 7.5.3, 10.4.0 (_CameraSortingLayerTexture is not available)

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 12.0.0):

    Fixed in Unity 2021.2.0b14 and above

Comments (1)

  1. jeffweber

    Mar 26, 2021 15:27

    You can find some follow up info and a workaround in the following forum post. Possibly it'll help when fixing the bug.

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