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Shader.EditorCompileVariant in 2017.1 takes more time than in 5.6 on large projects



To reproduce:
1. Open project(link in edit) on 2017.1.0f3
2. Open profiler
3. Play 'Stage 1 mechanical' scene (use WASD and mouse button for contol)
4. Notice that sometimes editor has 0.5-2 seconds 'hiccups'
5. Repeat these steps with 5.6.2f1 or 5.6.2p3

Expected vs actual: on 5.6 'hiccups' are always 20-70ms smaller than on 2017.1 or 2017.2

Reproduced: 2017.1.0f2-f3, 2017.2.0b2
Not reproducible: 5.6.2f1, 5.6.2p3

Regression introduced 2017.1.0a1

Comments (2)

  1. shihui142857

    Dec 18, 2018 08:25

    2017.4.14f1 ----- cause 100 ms in deep profile

  2. Spiral-Organ

    Nov 30, 2017 06:39

    Present on Unity 2017.3.0b7 as well. Causes very extreme lag spikes (pauses) for a split second. Can be very disorienting to players in a mouse orbit HUD game,

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